The Found Arcana [OOC]

  • beta

    May 2, 2019 at 7:54 pm

    I’m game, but we’d need to make a notepad somewhere. I’m terrible at keeping that sort of stuff straight.

  • Tecumseh

    May 2, 2019 at 8:27 pm

    Yes, I am making notes and would post them to Obsidian Portal. It’s more a question of whether people are willing to read them and incorporate them into their understanding of what’s happening ICly (i.e what might be going on behind the scenes). Some players don’t want that level of involvement, especially if they are in multiple games like we are.

  • jack_spade

    May 3, 2019 at 10:59 am

    Well, I for one am looking forward to that exploration – especially since Bobby will likely spend quite a bit of time in animal form, exploring the city as a pidgeon.

  • Tecumseh

    May 3, 2019 at 1:50 pm

    Yeah, Bobby is going to be pretty boss at eavesdropping on the city and seeing the dark deeds done in dark corners. That’s actually a pretty fun way to reveal information about the world.

    Questions about PCs:

    What is Bobby’s fetish for Shapechange?

    Is your ganger contact Zwipe associated with a specific gang or is that not determined yet? Any backstory there?

    – What is AM’s fetish for her Limited spells?
    – Where is the spell ‘Growth’ from? I don’t recognize that one.
    – Is your go-ganger contact Tom Jones associated with a specific gang or is that not determined yet?

  • beta

    May 3, 2019 at 2:24 pm

    Growth is from Forbidden Arcana. Stealing the summary from Aria’s character generator spreadsheet:
    “Every three net hits increase Bod, Agi, Rea and Str by 1 (minimum 1), optional: grow 0,5 m per 3 net hits”

    Zwipe is so far not really defined. I really don’t know the gang situation in Redmond well. And even ‘ganger’ may be loose — I figure most young men in Redmond have gang affiliation to at least some degree, but barring anyone coming up with a reason to make him otherwise I’d assume he is a fairly generic ganger. I sort-a-kind-a thought about back-story, but hadn’t really decided between two:
    1) Jawsey actually knows him from the decade that he previously lived in Seattle, back when he had a crooked leg and mutilated face and didn’t normally go outside. Perhaps he lived in the same low-rent complex and they somehow became aware of each other and bonded to some degree. When Jawsey came back, all surgically re-constructed, he found Zwipe sunk to Redmond poverty
    2) When Jawsey returned to Seattle, before the agency was launched, he was looking for someone to running some chores for him. He managed to find a youngish ganger who was reliable and he used him for a fair number of things. For whatever reason, they hit if off well enough and built some actual friendship from the business relationship.

    I’m pretty open to either approach, and suggestions on gangs, for anyone who is better on the gangs side of things than I am.

  • Tecumseh

    May 3, 2019 at 3:32 pm

    I found Growth; thanks for the reference.

    I have a lot of gang information for our setting, which I’ll share before long. Do you have a personality in mind for Zwipe? Or a metatype? If so, I can try to identify a good fit.

    @gilga Same questions about Tom Jones, if you don’t already have an affiliation in mind.

  • gilga

    May 3, 2019 at 4:36 pm

    1. Tom Jones is with the Mafia (AM’s creditor).
    2. Her fetish is a spiderweb necklace.

  • Tecumseh

    May 3, 2019 at 5:22 pm

    Thanks. You had Tom Jones listed as a “go-ganger”. Are you thinking of him more as a Mafia soldato now, or is he a go-ganger whose go-gang is aligned to the Mafia? Or, if not a soldato (i.e. a made man), perhaps he could be a picciotto, i.e. a younger, inexperienced soldato who is not necessarily a made man yet and usually performs simple tasks such as beatings (like the one he gave to AM).

    On that note, who is Jawsey in debt to? Is it his Vory contact, or someone else?

  • beta

    May 3, 2019 at 5:45 pm

    His Vory contact. I don’t recall if I wrote it in his backstory, but my thinking was that the Vory had worked with the Haida underground in Tsminshian, since the Haida were at that point of desperation where they’d sell anything they had for basic necessities (or weapons, depending on the person), and that Jawsey’s father had used them to smuggle him and J to Seattle, after which he dabbled with them. I’m thinking not directly employed and he was a construction worker not a shadowrunner, but he served as a cut-out, provided a place for people to stay when recovering from wounds or surgery, may have added some off-the-books features in a couple of buildings, etc. (he was desperate for the money to pay the doctors to fix up Jawsey).

    Before his father passed, he gave him a “These are bad men that you don’t want to get involved with, because as soon as you do they have a way of owning you. But if you are desperate, here are some names to call …” So of course once back in Seattle Jawsey reached out to them to help him get set up with fake ID and all.

  • jack_spade

    May 3, 2019 at 5:46 pm

    Bobby has an enchanted sharktooth on a loop of thin leather as his fetish. Depending on his form, it’s wound either around his neck or his leg.

  • gilga

    May 4, 2019 at 2:33 am

    I like him to be a younger and inexperienced minor enforcer.

  • Tecumseh

    May 4, 2019 at 12:25 pm

    Thanks for the responses, everyone. I’m working on the initial posts right now but I’m not sure when they’ll go up. I have a big deadline for work at the end of next week and I’m a bit concerned about kicking something off only to leave it unattended to for several days.

  • beta

    May 4, 2019 at 12:54 pm

    I’m fine with waiting a bit more.

  • Tecumseh

    May 16, 2019 at 1:23 am

    New threads are up! Check them out!

    Step 1: Post your current character sheet (or a link to it) in the OOC thread please.

    Step 2: Play!

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